Spring til indhold

Er du en nøgleperson inden for IT, indkøb eller bæredygtighed i din virksomhed? Så er Atea Sustainability Focus Forum (ASF Forum) det oplagte sted for dig!

Med lanceringen af årets ASF-rapport, baseret på over 800 besvarelser, sætter vi spotlight på branchens mest presserende udfordringer og de mest banebrydende løsninger. Vi samler Nordens førende beslutningstagere, CIOs, IT-indkøbere og bæredygtighedseksperter i et unikt forum, hvor viden deles, netværk styrkes, og konkrete handleplaner tager form.

I år retter vi særligt fokus mod kunstig intelligens (AI) som en transformativ kraft i den grønne omstilling. Vi dykker ned i, hvordan AI kan revolutionere ressourceoptimering, energieffektivitet og bæredygtig innovation – og hvordan vi gennem samarbejde og transparens kan accelerere rejsen mod vores fælles miljømål.

Bliv en del af løsningen – og en del af fremtiden. 🌍✨


NB! Eventet foregår på engelsk.

In english here


25. mar. 2025, 08:30 - 16:00
Frist for registrering
21. mar. 2025
Byens Plantetorv
Refshalevej 167D, 1432 København Vis på kort


Welcome and introduction

Pupose and structure of the day

History and significance of Atea Sustainability Forum

Atea Sustainability Focus (ASF) mobilizes Nordic IT buyers to drive a sustainable IT industry through action-focused recommendations on circular economy, carbon accounting, and responsible procurement.

Taler: Magnus Sallbring, Kultur og Markedsdirektør Atea Sverige
Driving Sustainability in IT: Insights from the Responsible Business Alliance

Tyler Gillard, RBA advises leadership on sustainability and responsible supply chains. He will share insights on RBA’s impact on the IT industry.

Taler: Tyler Gillard, RBA.
Panel debate: The Future of more Sustainable it

The latest Atea Sustainability Focus (ASF) report delivers key insights and recommendations for a more sustainable it industry. The panel of experts will discuss the findings and their impact on the future of IT.  

Taler: Andreas Schjølin, Dell Technologies Macani Toungara, Maria Færgemann, Nordea. Tyler Gillard, Chief Strategy Officer, Responsible Business Alliance
Roundtable discussions with partners

Join fellow IT leaders to discuss insights, share solutions, and build valuable connections in an intimate setting.

Partner Keynote

Macani will highlight Dell Technologies' efforts to engage and empower people across their global supply chain. We will get insights to some relevant challenges, meaningful progress, and practical approaches.

Taler: Macani Toungara, Director, Social and Environmental Responsibility
AI & Sustainability: Potential, Impact, and Responsibility

Discover how AI can drive sustainability while managing its environmental footprint. Expert from Implement Consulting Group will explore practical approaches to responsible AI, real-world applications, and key considerations like energy and water use.

Taler: Björn Nowak, Digital Transformation & Sustainability, Implement Consulting Group
Partner Keynote
Nils will discusses how businesses can leverage technology and strategic partnerships to drive sustainability, and why it is important to focus on supply chains and how innovative practices can transform your organization's environmental impact.
Taler: Nils Pålsson, Technical Specialist, IBM Sustainability Software
Partner Keynote

Edouard will dive into Logitech's journey towards a more sustainable future. This engaging talk will highlight Logitech's innovative approaches to environmental responsibility and how they want to shape the tech industry's sustainability landscape

Taler: Edouard Gander, Sustainable and Circular Services Lead
Paneldiscussion on Sustainable Supply Chains

Join experts from Grundfos, Tech Sustainability Index, and Nordic Sustainability for a debate on transforming supply networks. With global experience in technology, assessment, and strategy, they’ll explore why sustainable supply chains matter—and how to build them.

Taler: Sven Beyersdorff, Partner at Nordic Sustainability. Louise Koch, Senior Director and Group Head of Sustainability Grundfos, Henrik Jensen, Co-Founder of the Tech Sustainability Index (TSi)
Roundtable discussions with partners

Join focused roundtable discussions to exchange insights and explore practical sustainability strategies with industry peers. This intimate setting offers a chance to tackle shared challenges and build valuable connections.

The IT industry's role to scale sustainability

Canalys presents key insights from their latest report on AI’s environmental impact. Explore the double-edged nature of AI in sustainability, its energy and water consumption, e-waste challenges, and strategies for responsible innovation. Gain a clear perspective on how the tech industry can balance AI growth with environmental responsibility.

Taler: Elsa Jasmine Nightingales, Principal ESG & DEI Analyst, Catalyst

Din tilmelding betyder meget – for os og for planeten! 🌍

Vi gør os umage for at skabe et bæredygtigt event, men manglende fremmøde uden afbud medfører spild af mad og ressourcer. Hvis du bliver forhindret i at deltage, vil vi sætte stor pris på, at du melder afbud i god tid.

Er du forhindret i at komme på dagen, glemmer at melde afbud eller bare har lyst til at støtte et godt formål, opfordrer vi til at overføre 500 kr. eller et valgfrit beløb til organisationen Plant et Træ, som vi bakker op om gennem dette event.

Sammen gør vi en forskel 🌱

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